Episode 5, Series 2: The Politico-Ideological Goals of the Upcoming War (Part 2)
Part of the Essay "Peoples of the Free World, Let Us Be Prepared & Brace Ourselves Once More to Become Combatants To Fight, as One United People, in the Upcoming World War - And What Must We Do Now"
Fourth, all out and intensified political, social, economic, military, enviromental, medical and moral activism by all of us the peoples of the Western World on the preparedness of the Western World for the world war to come, on the root causes and ideologies of the war and its effects on the climate crisis, the economy, our daily life and on the world as a whole
As one people, we must more than ever be more into activism at large because of the need to make these issues known to all the peoples of the Western World. We must be more of all active in preparing ourselves, our families, friends, communities and countries for the upcoming world war and asking everyone to be prepared for it, most of all, by either becoming a reservist or enlisting in the armed forces because of the need to defeat Russia and its allies around the world most especially in the field of battle. And all of us need to let others know that the world war that is about to come will affect everyone, and they all ought to be formally involved in every way possible, most especially by being asked to enlist in military service, and also share awareness of the critical issues other than war that the world already facing, most especially the ongoing climate crisis, and other grave issues of international, national and local concern.
Our works of activism to raise awareness of this war and the wider impact it will have on the world and on human society must be massive works, not only in traditional media, but also in digital media, and most of all through works of private and most of all public activism, especially thru cultural and artist activism, rallies, marches and other gatherings, especially in cities and national capitals, regarding the reasons why the world war is about to happen and why we have no other option but to be properly prepared for the day it will all begin.
We must be active in fundraising for our active military, volunteer and reserve formations like what the West has been doing thru the NAFO group of citizens spreading awareness of the war in Ukraine and its impact, as well as to supply vehicles and equipment to formations at the front, alongside those of needed police and emergency units in the West. We must also be active in doing the same for veterans and ex-civil uniformed organizations, medical and emergency organizations, pro-Ukraine and pro-Israel awareness and support organizations, and enviromental and medical awareness groups, as well as other such groups and organizations, but not to far-rightist and far-leftist (especially pro-Palestine) groups and organizations. Not only that but we must also help as well not only the families of military families who are serving now and those who have served in the past, but of all who will be asked to serve in the future because of this world war, especially for those who will without any doubt will die fighting Russia and its allies in the battlefield, in addition to those of the civil uniformed organizations and in aid of civilian disaster, calamity and war victims.
We must be active in Coordinating Community Responses (CCRs) — a form of applying the 10 Points of Total Defense of the West as featured here which combines all efforts of law enforcement agencies, advocacy groups and the public to solve crime and ensure public safety and security especially in the period of the world war. We must do our best using such an unique method to stop any and all expressions of criminal activity and to address and help solve the root causes of such, in particular poverty, lack of job opportunities, illiteracy and racial, gender and population inequality and inequity everywhere, and the rise of racial and religious nationalism in the West, as well as the climate crisis and the destruction of natural habitats.
We must be active in other forms of community organizing, in particular in the activities related to preparedness for the world war at large and its effects on the world, as well as on the related topics and other major issues of global, national, regional and local concern. Community organizing too is also a form of applying the 10 Points of Total Defense mentioned above and involves the government, private and public organizations and non governmental organizations and individuals working together to help in preparing the population for the world war, preparing to contribute to the coming Allied war effort at home or overseas, brace for the effects of the world war upon the world, combat the effects of climate change, and help resolving the major issues of grave concern that affect our communities and countries at large. We must participate in such efforts in order not only to get our communities, hometowns, regions and nations prepared for the upcoming world war and its impact in the world, but also to help solve in our own ways the pressing problems we all face in the world, especially in regards to the climate and the issues that are leading us to war, to prepare ourselves, our families and communities, and countries towards our mandatory contribution to the war and the homefront effort in our countries, and contribute not only to the final victory over Russia in our own ways possible, but also to the overall good and wellbeing of society, the continuity of traditions, cultures and positive values and traits, and the achievement of a lasting prosperous, sustainable, strong, progressive and victorious society living in the values, traditions and ideals of the Western World for our generations to come.
We must be active in mutual aid and assistance work especially not only in helping disaster and calamity victims, but not only those to be both directly affected by the war, but also to those who will be indirectly affected by the war. In addition such actions must also include encouraging evacuations and relocations from nuclear-prone and disaster-prone areas, and support as well for those in need even outside disasters, mass shooting and accident victims.
We must educate ourselves and others not only on the reasons on the world war is to happen, but also on the other major key issues affecting the world. Per sources, the best ways on individual and collective education on these issues at hand should be watching traditional films and documentaries on the threat of Russia and its allies around the world and on other key topics and issues of global importance, either on television or in social media, reading books, listening to podcasts, sharing social media posts regarding the war in Ukraine and Israel and on other major issues of concern and newsletters, as well as posts on Medium and Substack, and/or attending workshops and seminars, either in person or virtually. Morever we must inform our families and friends not only on the reality that we are about to head into world war and thus preparing for it and for our individual, family and collective response must be thus to fulfill our personnal and invidiual permanent obligations to our peoples and our countries and we must heed to the calls as well to adapt to and fight the consequences of the ongoing climate crisis.
We must be active in providing life support services to people living with physical and mental disabilities and those people like myself who are recovering from these disabilities, in order that the barriers for their participation in society will be overturned and they be given a share in the freedom and liberty fought by the soldiers of today and tomorrow and the brighter, inclusive and prosperous future that is worth fighting for.
We must be active as well in writing letters, emails and online and physical petitions to the people who are to be involved on the part of the West in this upcoming world war, either directly or indirectly, urging them to be prepared to become a part of the war effort of the Western World, most especially to our legislators, military industry firms, and pro-Ukraine, pro-Taiwan ROC, pro-South Korea and pro-Israel support organizations and thank them for standing with the West and its values in this dire time of our history. In particular we must increase our resolve to write to all those involved in supporting the armed forces and military reserves to prepare to double their efforts in light of the worsening global situation at hand and lead the way to campaign for a mass recruitment effort both in the active and reserve ranks and to prepare for conscription policies, as well as other efforts to prepare the West for the war effort at all costs. We must also petition legislators to formally ban all communist, socialist, fascist, racist, theocratic, autocratic, authoritarian and totalitarian parties and organizations around the Western World and their activities, prohibit membership in said organizations, and formally demand of the arrest of their leaders and for the governments of the West to confiscate and seize their properties and the properties of their organizations, to formally charge them for their support of Russia and its allies and their propagation of anti-Western and anti-democratic ideologies, ban them and disqualify them from political activities, put them into trial, imprisoned and most of all executed. In addition, we must petittion and write both letters and emails to enviromental activists and groups, as well as to legislators, to fight as well to combat the effects of the war on the climate and the enviroment, solve the myriad of national and local issues, stop the Russian intrustion and manipulation of the cryptocurrency and digital currency movement, as well as of the movement towards action against climate change and its effects on the world, and most of all remove all far-rightist and far-leftist, racist and religious nationalist politicians from power around the world, ban and disqualify them from politics, and for them to be put into trial and imprisoned, and most of all executed for aiding in Russia’s war against the West. Our work on these letters and petitions will also be a big help to resolve pressing global and national issues at hand, to also expose far-rightist and far-leftist connected religious nationalism around the world and Russia’s funding and support to it on a global scale alongside those of its allies especially by Islamist Iran and Syria, as well as to private and public corporations to not only be prepared for the war and the goals of the West in it and accept the realities of the world today and for them to stop their operations in Russia and its allies and be only committed in the countries of the West, but also accept the need to fight the climate crisis and the wave of non-Communist unionism building around the world and most especially in the United States and provide better working conditions and pay to their workers and staff. These may also be used to help fight other various problems of global concern and of national, regional and local issues, especially those related to the war and to the climate crisis happening in the world. And most of all these letters and petitions are needed to expose and denounce anti democracy, anti-people, pro-Russia, pro-Communist China, pro-Islamist Iran and anti-Western politicians and individuals around the world for their acts of treason and anti-Western ideological support and demand for their arrest, imprisonment and disqualification from politicial positions and politicial activities for them and their families, as well as disqualification from actions of business and other civic activities, confistation of their properties, freezing of their financial assets, and most of all, their execution for their acts of treason in support of Russia and its allies in its war against the West. These must be combined with other forms and types of activism in order that the work of these letters and petitions will have a greater impact and a wider response. These letters also must also reach the press and all forms of tradtional and online media too in order that the world may know the various problems and issues being faced today and so that our journalists and reporters in the West too must be always be focused on telling the truth of Russia and its allies around the world and on the countless problems of the world today at all fronts and in all levels of society.
We must be doing acts of artistic and creative activism in support of the world war against Russia and all those who are to serve in the armed forces of the West in the world war to come, especially thru songs, poems, fictional works and most of all works of street art, in particular paintings of murals and the like, as well as in the publication of books and pamphlets, both physical and virtual alike, serving as a tool for the urging for the mandatory and obligatory overall support, preparation and participation of all the millions of people of the Western World in the world war to come, an expression, appreciation and promotion of all the values and ideologies of the Western World, as a form of appreciation to all those who are to serve in the ranks of the armed forces of the Western World and a tribute to all those who died in the service of their country and the martyrs of the struggle to fight Russia and its allies around the world, as a form of education in historical, cultural patriotic themes and on the ideologies and values of the Western World, as a way to call out and condemn all pro-Russia, pro-Communist China, pro-Iran and pro-Palestine politicians, parties and organizations around the world for their all out ideological and politicial support for Russia and its allies around the world, of the BRICS organization, the CSTO and SCO, and for supporting the war Russia is determined to wage upon the peoples of the free world, to promote the benefits of serving in the military and civilian services especially in the upcoming world war, and as a form of solidarity and support to the peoples of Ukraine, Israel and Guayana, and to all our allies around the world especially all our NATO members.
We must also expand our works of activism as well into traditional and digital mass media, especially on radio, television and online digital media, and in the press. We must be active in interviews and reports, as well as podcasts in the Internet and social media, showing on the actions of all those preparing for the world war and for the all out effort to mobilize all of society and all our people towards the coming world war. We must engage with reporters on radio and television and with correspondents of newspapers and online media, in order that our demands for the Western World to prepare for all out war against Russia and its allies, prepare for individual and collective contributions to the war at all levels of society, prepared for the effects and impact of the war upon be permanently committed to said world war and be focused on fulfilling all the goals of this war towards the day and moment the final victory is won against Russia and its allies and their absolute defeat and final destruction be accomplied be made known to all, and that this war too is a war for the future of the world that we must be actively participate as a mandatory and obligatory duty for the sake of humankind and the planet and its effects and toll on the world must be prepared for, especially on the climate. In addition, we must also task them for not doing enough to expose the many other pressing problems faced by the world at large and by our countries and communities, to take our local and national officials and all those in public and private corporations to account, and for all of us to be involved to face them together as one people, most especially those connected to the reasons for the future outbreak of the world war and those related to and connected to the ongoing climate crisis. In addition to all these we must contribute too to the ongoing trends of citizen journalism, especially in social media, in order to help contribute to telling the news as truthful as it is especially to media outlets of all forms. However, we must avoid those outlets and organizations under politicial groups and organizations that are anti-Western in their ideology and orientation.
More importantly, we all must be politically active, especially in voting, perfoming campaigning for ballot initiatives & candidates running for political office in the countries of the West and being a part of pro-West politicial parties and organizations. First, however, regarding yet another form of activism, running for politicial office at local, regional and national levels. While it is an important way to spreading invididual and collective activism of various issues and topics of today’s world, such is the power of politics and of direct involvement in politics especially holding political office to change, destroy or damage people and insititutions, and with the pursuit of political office comes the chances of corruption, alignment with actors from outside the home country and anti-Western ideologies, and even monetary rewards and involvement in various economic activities and even forms of religious and racial anti-democratic activities. In order therefore that anyone of us must be properly prepared for running for political office at all levels, given not only the requirements set by law, but also the financial resources needed to secure preparation for any electoral campaign for politicial positions, as well as to avoid any forms of graft and corrupt practices and alignment with anti-Western ideologies and anti-Western parties and organizations around the world, in particular those backed by and supported by Russia, Communist China and Islamist Iran, we must remember and apply what I call these “Extra Points for Running for any forms of Political Office” based on the example of Indonesia during the New Order era but adapted to the current circumstances, as I’ve talked to another Twitter user regarding said matter:
Any candidate for political office must have been a graduate of political or law courses in college because of the knowledge needed to follow the provisions of the national constitution and any forms of legislation and laws he or she must follow in preparation for the potential role as either enforcer or legislator of laws and other acts of state and also for the educational training and development needed to pursue any and all forms of political office, and if a law grad must have been a bar exam passer and has had an attorney for the period before running for office and must cease being one and must not accept any appointment for judicial positions
He or she must have most especially been a member of or holding positions of leadership of a university, college, junior college, or high school student council
He or she most especially would have been graduated with honors by the time of candicacy
He or she must have been a full member of the party he or she is a member and/or has been a member of the party’s youth wing, must have been an active voter and campaigner by the the time of candidacy
He or she must have been an active voter and political activist campaigning solely for pro-Western politicians and political parties and for national, regional and local level ballot initiatives as described below and not for those politicians and parties that are anti-Western
He or she must have been a retired military service person having served the minimum of 2–10 years or has served for more than 20 years (regardless of rank) and must have been a senior NCO, field or junior officer, or general ranked officer with credits from domestic and overseas operations and have chosen to retire either in the age of retirement as set by law or early in the career to pursue political office and/or is serving in the reserves, if for an officer he or she must have been a graduate either of ROTC or equivalent program, a military academy or as an officer candidate, and in either case, has either completed career, opted for early retirement, or transferred to the reserve ranks, or has served his or her career in the military reserve organizations of his/her country in like matter as in the active ranks
If coming from law enforcement or emergency organizations, must have served in like manner and retired in like manner as in the military forces
In either of the cases as mentioned above he or she must have been a member of a youth organization during school and/or collegiate years and/or has been an oustanding athlete
If not a political or law degree holder, he or she must not hold any higher leadership position in a business organization or company and must resign from any participation in the aformentioned by the time of running for political office
He or she must not be holding any forms of religious office and remain a layman or laywoman and active in any lay organization, he or she must be suggested to refuse any and all offers of a leadership office in said lay organizations and may choose to resign from said organizations if necessary
He or she must not be a member of and/or holding leadership positions in a Communist, Socialist, Fascist, racial nationalist and/or religious nationalist organization and/or politicial party and thus must, if already a member, leave the aformentioned and openly condemn these ideologies once a candidate for and having won or appointed to political office
He or she must not be aligned to any politician, individual or organization that is openly anti-Western and must have had not recieved any forms of money or other forms of aid from the aformentioned
He or she must not be a member of a armed militia organization that is aligned with the ideologies mentioned above
He or she must been a volunteer in a civilian NGO and has participated in any civil action and/or any voluntary work activity incl. disaster relief, health and wellness, political and social action, and enviromental protection and restoration
And his or her family must have been a veteran of or a witness to the two World Wars and various military operations conducted by the West or a veteran of law enforcement and emergency services (and if in the USA and France has traced its ancestry to the American and French Revolutions, if in East Asia especially in South Korea and Taiwan ROC must have been a former conscripted or volunteer military service person and has family who has fought against the Communists or as one politicially and socially active against this ideology, and in Europe have family members that had been involved in fighting against the 3rd Reich and Communism in the Warsaw Pact)
Thru these points may those of us who may consider running for any and all forms of politicial office and accept appointments to the same must be considered in order that we must use our direct politicial duty only for the common good, the fight against corruption, the defense, development and preservation of solely pro-Western values, the progress and prosperity of our countries, the defense of all of the Western World, and to postively contribute to the democratic and progressive development of human society, the fight for the restoration of the enviroment, the defense of human rights and freedoms, and the realization of the common goals of a sustainable, eco-friendly and bright future for humanity and the world as demanded upon by the United Nations Organization and various groups and organizations around the world.
Voting and campaigning for candidates and ballot initiatives in the national, regional and local levels, through, is more important than running for political office as it is suited for all of us. We must be all the more active in motivating others to be registered as voters and to motivate all votes to wisely and properly vote in all forms of elections and to support and campaign solely for candidates and ballot initiatives for various causes and campaigns which are pro-Western, in particular relating to the issues causing the possible war and its effects and on the other major issues affecting the world at all levels of society, and to oppose all anti-Western politicians and political parties and organizations. Volunteering for a political or topical campaign, gathering signatures for a petition - online or in person - donating money, educating people about the candidate or topic or topics at hand, and motivating others to vote or take action on key issues of concern are a few examples of campaining. And in addition, we must be ready to fight voter disinformation, vote buying and the suppression of voters too, in order that the right for everyone to vote and participate in the political processes of the West must be protected and upheld.
But most of all, the best forms of activism are our direct works of action — most of all marches, rallies, vigils, walkouts, strikes, sit-ins and boycotts against people and organizations who are allied and aligned to Russia, its allies around the world and Russian and Iranian-backed Palestine, and its world war against the West, to openly call them out for their acts of treason, betrayal, hatred and distrust of Western values, and support of Russian, Communist Chinese, Palestinian and Islamist Iranian backed, financed and supported works and activities towards the advancement, promotion, considation, institutionalization and codification of anti-democratic, anti-enviromental, anti-people, anti-poor, anti-human rights, autocratic, theocratic, racist, dictatorial, religious nationalist, authoritarian and totalitarian ideologies and values around the world, and therefore demand of politicians, especially legislators around the Western world, to formally remove these anti-Western politicians in all levels of politicial office around the world from power, to formally ban these organizations, prohibit membership in these organizations because not only of the danger they pose to society at large but also because of the anti-Western ideologies and values they openly promote, and formally force these organizations to cease their operations and existence definitely, to disqualify these people from politics and any forms of civil and business activities because of the aformentioned causes, and to ask law enforcement organizations and the courts arrest them, put them into trial, charged with anti-Western crimes, imprisoned, denied of all political rights, and most of all executed, particularly for their acts of treason against the Western World and all its people. Added to these is the demand to politicians to strictly implement pro-Western policies tailored at fighting Russia and its allies at all fronts, to prepare all of the Western World for the world war that is coming fast, to formally declare a total climate emergency, and work towards solving the myriad of problems at all levels of society, especially those related to the coming world war and those related to the climate crisis. We must also do the same against all those private corporations and insitutions from the Western World publicly present and working in Russia and its allies, to pressure and force them to cease doing business and operations in these countries and only work within and do business duties within the West and also against all those companies from Russia and its allies working in the West, which must be forced out from the Western World altogether, while at the same time calling out both Western and non-Western companies and firms alike especially for not doing enough to reverse the effects of man-made climate change around the globe, for providing better service and benefits to their personnel and staff and better facilities for the conduct of their business work, and for their contributions as corporate entities and thru their leadership, staff and workers towards the building of a prosperous, diverse, inclusive and progressive society for their countries and the wider world, as well as to cease their support to anti-Western politicians and organizations altogether. We must also pressure the press to be honest and fair in reporting the issues more important and vital for humanity and the planet and not just all those issues of national, regional and local concern and to expose all those anti-Western individuals and organizations that have been working for Russia and its allies, been promoting its narratives on the issues of the world today, and have been working to promote anti-Western ideologies and values to human society. In addition, these forms of marches and public assemblies are vital to help in raising awareness of various local, regional, national and global problems, and to address solutions to these problems thru our collective effort and work as well as to raise awareness of those who were killed because of the action of those who were openly anti-Western especially politicially and ideologically around the world and to call for justice for their deaths and the arrest, trial and imprisonment for those responsible. And in elections for all levels, these marches and rallies are the best way to openly campaign for pro-Western politicians and political parties and to express our desire to vote for them and their agendas rather than those who are openly and clearly anti-Western.
But alongside all these, more than ever, we must be ever more active in these public marches and rallies to prepare all of us for our patriotic and internationalist duty to the peoples of Western World, especially in rallies and marches that must condemn and denounce Russia and its allies around the world, condemn all those anti-Western politicians, political parties and organizations, individuals, and private groups and organizations that have been spreading, propagating and promoting anti-Western ideologies, openly demand for a total ban and the cessasion of operations of all anti-Western political parties and organizations, and to call for the arrest, political ban and disqualification, trial, confistation of properties, freezing of financial assets, imprisonment and most of all execution of all anti-Western politicians and individuals for crimes against the West and for the aformentioned acts of propagation, development, advancement, promotion, considation, institutionalization and codification of anti-Western ideologies and values against the peoples of the free world, especially those acts financied and supported by the governments and peoples of Russia, Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, the Palestinian Authority thru Hamas and Hezbollah, and Islamist Iran, as well as demand that Russia be permanently designated a “terrorist state” alongside North Korea, Iran and Islamic Afghanistan under the Taliban, and a total cessasion of all relations with Russia and most of its allies around the world. And most of all, these patriotic marches and rallies will also raise awareness of the conditions and reasons why we are about to head to a full blown world war against Russia and its allies, on why we must be prepared NOW to be permanently committed towards all the goals of the West for this war as stated here, on why we all must be ready to endure the effects of this world war upon the peoples of the world, especially the threats of nuclear war, and to contribute to the common task and duty to defend and protect all of the Western World from the threats of attack and invasion by Russia and its allies around the world and to do their best to fight the many reasons of that possible world war, and most of all, to be ready, most importantly, for all of us to accept that the most important duty we must do is to enlist, most of all, in the armed forces of the Western World, not just as volunteers, but most of all as conscripts, as well as to accept offers of study in military officer training schools in order to become full fledged military officers, in both cases, either serving for minimum terms or most importantly until reaching the age of retirement from the armed forces, because of the importance most of all of the demand of absolute intervention and all out military action that is expected of and demanded by many in social media to all the peoples of the Western World in Ukraine and Israel, and soon in every part of the world, in order to fight Russia and its allies, most importantly, in the battlefields of the world, until their final defeat and ultimate destruction. These rallies will convince many that the time has come to consider answering the call to military service to help support the military objectives of the West in the world war, as well as to the law enforcement and emergency services to contribute their lives in helping the effort for an all-out total defense of Western society against the Russian backed aggressor.
In doing all these public acts of activism, we must prepare to risk our bodies to injury and above all to lose our lives to bullets by police and pro-Russia armed militas, as well as imprisonment and above all else, execution for standing up to the values and ideologies of the Western World, because of the determination of many pro-Russia and anti-Western individuals and organizations to wipe out and destroy the ideolgies and values of the West and to kill everyone representative of these values and ideologies and the ideals of a modern, prosperous, sustainable and eco-friendly society that they see is anathema to the demands of an anti-democratic, anti-enviromental, anti-people, anti-poor, anti-human rights, anti-Semitic, autocratic, theocratic, traditionalist, racist, dictatorial, religious nationalist, authoritarian and totalitarian world led by Russia and its allies determined to destroy the Western led rules-based order, accelerate the destruction of the enviroment and human society, prepare to force thru the fulfillment of the provisions of Adolf Hitler’s Last Will and Testament, and prepare the world for the fulfillment of the conditions for the Second Coming and the Last Hour.
We must be active more than ever before in doing works of activism in sharing and publicly doing awareness of being prepared for the world war, its impact in the world and the reasons for its outbreak and how we can be ready to fight Russia and its allies around the world, and not only during the time before the outbreak of this war, but during its duration and in the period after its conclusion. We must also be examples ourselves not only of activism but of living the values, ideologies, traits, cultures and traditions of the Western World in other to show others and the world that we are serious in contributing to the wider world war against Russia and its allies and fighting the other grave threats to the future of humanity and our planet today.
For thru our works of activism, we not only be active in preparing our world for the war that is to come and for its effects on the planet and on humanity and in living this war not only now but during its duration, but above all, for us to be active and ready to fight this war, the reasons for this, and its far-reaching effects now and in the years to come until the achivement and realization of the final victory against Russia and its allies by of all of the Western World.
Fifth, our all out support must be increased and intensified solely to all member nations of NATO and all non-member nations which are allies of the same and all support to Russia and its allies around the world must be ceased and terminated and thus diverted to pro-Western opposition and all out efforts in countries affected in one way or another by Russia and its allies and towards the diaspora living in the West, in preparation for the world war to come and towards, most of all, our general preparedness towards fighting them in the battlefield towards their final defeat and liberation and reintegration into the Western World
We must only support, at all costs, all those countries of the Western World that we belong — both member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and all the allied countries that are not members of said Organization.
We must force all the West to accept that once more in our history we must face the truth of a world war coming into our midst and thus we must be prepared as one united people, all of us in the West, especially all the member nations of NATO, inclusive of its founding countries, and our biggest allies outside of said organization around the world: Australia, South Korea, the Republic of China (Taiwan), Japan, Ukraine, Israel and Argentina. We must only do our best to support only these nations and only thus to these nations alone we must give all our hearts and our aid especially the much needed military aid in preparation for, and we must consider Russia and its allies, as well as any neutral leaning nation, as our enemies that cannot be trusted. And thus our political, economic and social systems must work only in the structures of the countries of Western world and NOT in the territories of Russia and its allied countries in the world.
My friend @TruthisOut4You on Twitter/X has repeatedly agitated that the West must stand only not just with its brothers and sisters not only within its ranks but of those formerly Western aligned and allied nations who have been forced into the Russian sphere of influence because of not only Russia’s forced urging but also because of the negativity of certain aspects of Western lifestyles and economic systems, corruption, poverty and inequality in society, and I replied that it must do whatever it takes thru its own governmental and private organizations to organize the pro-Western opposition in these countries and the diaspora living in the West to risk everything to fight back against their current governments, most especially their own lives, for the democracy and freedom of these nations and their reintegration into the Western World. The West must prepare therefore for the world war that will not only be not just for its own defense but also for the liberation of these countries from the yoke of Russia and its allies and the anti-Western BRICS organization and the Belt and Road Initiative of the Communist Chinese that has placed a number of these nations in debt and into the trap of being a part of the Russo-Chinese sphere of influence and control.
For that, we must be determined to break all forms of relations with Russia and most of these countries that are allied to it and to convince many of the countries that despite being allied with Russia still retain relations with the West to formally break relations with Russia, terminate membership in BRICS and strengthen only their ties with the Western World. In addition to this, we must turn all those living in the diaspora in the West from these countries already into supporters and backers of the West full time and committed to defeat Russia and its allies once and for all, especially by encouraging them and asking them to only positively respond to any and all calls to join the ranks of the armed forces of the West as servicemen and women not only as volunteers but most of all as conscripts, in both cases either in the active or reserve ranks, serving with determination most of all until the final victory has been won against Russia and its global allies because of the clear resolve of Russia to punish all those from these countries for siding with the West and fighting for the values and ideologies it symbolizes. In doing so, we prepare them to face the dangerous duty of risking even injury and most of all, above all else, losing lives to achieve all the goals set by the West in this world war, most especially the final defeat and destruction of Russia and its allies, the liberation of these nations and the great and final victory of all of us, most especially the fighting men and women, of the whole of the Western World. Also, we must financially aid and give military support to all pro-Western opposition organizations in almost all of Russia’s allied nations, in order for them to risk even their lives for the struggle to overthrow these pro-Russian governments and be ready to fight for their freedom and independence and their reintegration into the West, not only thru political efforts and electoral campaigning, but above all else preparing for the armed struggle against these governments, parties and organizations of their nations aligned to and allied with Russia, Islamic Iran and Communist China, especially with the planned ban of these organizations for their reliance to and support to the Western World and in particular to the United States and the European Union, and extend aid and support to them in times of calamity and disaster to show that we still care despite their allegiance to Russia and its anti-Western principles and ideologies. In some of these BRICS nations wherein all ties to the West remain every effort must be done to finally pull them out of this controversial anti-Western organization, as well as to the CSTO and SCO, and maintain and strengthen instead all ties to the Western World and organizations and groups aligned to it. And within the West itself, we must be ready and active in fighting against individuals and organizations that are pro-Russia, pro-Communist China, pro-Palestine, pro-Islamist Iran and anti-Western that are promoting anti-Western values and ideologies and determined to destroy every ounce of the modern world and what it represents.
We must also urge all the countries of the West to be prepared once and for all to be involved in the world war to come by not only intensifying military support to their armed forces, to help increase their personnel and reserve ranks, reinstate conscription and intensify voluntary service in the ranks of the armed forces, and to supply them with modern weaponry and heavy systems as well as aircraft,in addition to supplying as well the law enforcement and civil emergency services and providing moral, economic and financial support, as well as cultural and athletic aid to foster a sense of national identity, cooperation and friendship with the Western World and the spirit of not only a globalist society but also of the need to foster a sense of cultural pride and sporting power as well as to help in fostering a healthty, eco-friendly, active and sports and enviroment-oriented lifestyle and way of life, but also to prepare the governments and peoples of their nations to contribute their best to contribute to the upcoming Allied war effort of the Western Powers against Russia and to brace for the effects of the war on their countries and on the wider world in general, in addition to helping to solve the problems related to the war and most especially those related to the ongoing climate crisis. Also, as I've already stated, Ukraine and Israel must convince those ex-military personnel from these countries, as well as all those who have suffered under governments, parties and organizations aligned to and allied with Russia and its allied countries to join the ranks of the ILTDU and the Nahal Program to help not only in fostering their ties with the Western World, to prepare for their role in the upcoming world war, to raise awareness of the need to fight Russia and its allies by all means necessary and to prepare to contribute not only for the liberation of their nations of origin shoulder to shoulder with the armed forces of the Western World, but more importantly, to contribute all their best towards the final defeat of Russia and its allies and their ultimate and terminal destruction in battle.
We must be fully supportive of our brothers and sisters in the West and all those who have suffered under the yoke of Russia and its allies and be ready to do what ever it takes, especially losing our lives, to defend at all costs, especially with our lives, the common values, principles and ideologies of the Western World, and dream of a better tomorrow for all of humanity and the planet, and to fight Russia and its allies around the world not only to liberate all who have suffered because of governments, invididuals, politicial parties and organizations aligned to and allied with Russia and its allies around the world, but to ensure its ultimate and definite defeat in the fields of battle and that it will pay dearly and heavily for its collective, religious and ideological errors and the damage it has done against the peoples of the free world.
My readers, the reason why it has taken long to write on Medium is because I am determined to explain in length the goals of this war for the and why we are to prepare for this world war now and in the years to come, thus Part 2 is now divided into Parts 2A and 2B because of the length of words written and because of the long description and explaination of many of the points and goals presented for the education and understanding of everyone. There will be a possible Part 3 of said Medium essay if needed given the need for a longer final appeal to the peoples of the Western World to brace for the impact and effects of potential world war together as one people and to be committed to it permanently and irrecoverly until the final victory has been won against Russia and its allies.
The following post, Episode 6, details the role played by Russia in its war against Ukraine and indirectly in Israel’s struggle against Hamas, Hezbollah and the Palestinian Authority and how we can stop it in its tracks now and in the years to come at all costs, especially politically, and contribute in determining its final fate after the its defeat at the end of this future war, as well as on the role of international organizations it has controlled alongside its international friends in shaping its narrative and international involvement and their fate after war’s end.
For Glory
Harvey, B. (2023, January 2). 26 types of activism to know (plus examples). Good Good Good. https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/types-of-activism
Soken-Huberty, E. (2024, August 29). 13 types of activism. Human Rights Careers. https://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/types-of-activism/
Well... Red Sun Rising is such fictional work, albeit a fanfic using anime character in an alternate history framework. Sure it revolved mostly about China as the main foe, but we know that Japan also had its own beef against Russia, which I did not change...
If a cleric want to run in this system? (In my country an expert grade cleric can even reach presidency, one is even beloved of restoring the plural foundation of the country after 1990s upheaval